The Story of Stuff: DVDs and Rotten Oranges

In our first two seasons, when we were still rotating among our partner congregations’ buildings, we developed a serious stuff issue. Knowing virtually nothing about homelessness when I started, this was a problem I hadn’t anticipated. I mean, how much stuff could people with no place to put it actually have?! The answer is AContinue reading “The Story of Stuff: DVDs and Rotten Oranges”

The Story of Stuff: (C)remains

This is the first in a series of shelter stories, based on the stuff that gets left behind, guest belongings that sometimes remain unclaimed, and sometimes draw guests back in ways and with stories we couldn’t predict. She danced, child-like and joyful, not quite present to the world, but fully in her body. Skipping fromContinue reading “The Story of Stuff: (C)remains”